5 Elements Yagi Antenna VHF 2m Amateur SWR Response Ephraim Gariguez 4:53 6 years ago 2 294 Далее Скачать
5Elements Yagi 2m VHF (142-148Mhz) Frequency Response Ephraim Gariguez 10:53 5 years ago 2 466 Далее Скачать
Testing SWR response of 3x5 VHF/UHF Dualband Yagi Ephraim Gariguez 6:42 6 years ago 361 Далее Скачать
Adjusting the driven element of a yagi for best SWR (standing wave reflection). -Rick's Shop Rick's Shop 7:27 2 years ago 16 084 Далее Скачать
Testing SWR response of Dualband 5x5 Elements 2m/70cm Yagi ( Lightweight End Mount) Ephraim Gariguez 10:29 6 years ago 735 Далее Скачать
Tuning for resonance 4 Elements Twin Yagi and adding the phasing harness Ephraim Gariguez 19:23 7 years ago 11 773 Далее Скачать
Testing a two meter Cushcraft 11 element yagi antenna taking SWR readings. And testing video. James Horak HAM, GMRS (KG5PTE & WQYE249) 2:04 4 years ago 143 Далее Скачать
I Bought the Cheapest Dual Band Yagi Antenna on Amazon! HAM RADIO DUDE 14:03 1 year ago 28 005 Далее Скачать
Four Element Yagi Antenna For Ham Radio 70cm Band Fuzz The Pi Guy 2:10 6 years ago 75 943 Далее Скачать